Body shapewear sau accepti realitatea?

Soarele si vremea buna ma fac sa ma gandesc mai repede la vara si la vacante. Totusi nu e bine pentru că corpul meu nu arata foarte bine. Inainte sa il etalez trebuie sa ii fac o pregatire sau macar sa iau elementele vestimentare adecvate .

Burtica, ceva picioare mai plinute sunt cateva dintre elementele care nu imi plac tare mult, la mine. De aceea e nevoie sa fac ceva cu ele.
Avand in vedere ca nu sunt vreo sportiva si nici nu imi place sa fac sport, tonifierea si slabirea ies din discutie. Acest lucru poate fi evidentiat si prin faptul ca nu prea pot tine nici diete. Nu ma pot abtine, pur si simplu.


En: The sun and good weather make me think more quickly about summer and vacations. It’s not good though because my body doesn’t look very good. Before showing it off, I have to prepare it or at least get the appropriate clothing items. The belly, slightly fuller legs are some of the elements that I don’t like very much, for me. That’s why I need to do something with them. Considering that I’m not an athlete and I don’t even like to do sports, toning and losing weight are out of the  question. This can also be highlighted by the fact that I can’t really follow diets either. I simply cannot help myself.


Cat de minunat este acest tip de rochie si am fost mereu invidioasa pe fetele care pot purta. Eu una consider ca nu pot purta acest gen de rochie, unul pentru ca sutn mica de inaltime si doi fiindcă pentru a purta o asemenea rochie trebuie sa ai un abdomen plat si o silueta de vis.
De fapt asta ma gandeam pana acum de curand, fiindca am descoperit ca rochia aceasta o pot purta chiar si fetele cu burtica si sa arata minunat, la fel ca un fotomodel.


En :How wonderful this type of dress is and I’ve always been envious of girls who can wear it. I for one believe that I cannot wear this kind of dress, one because I am short and two because to wear such a dress you must have a flat abdomen and a dream figure. In fact, this is what I thought until recently, because I discovered that even girls with bellies can wear this dress and look wonderful, just like a photo model.


Dress with built in shapewear – it is more precise. It look wonderful?

Some features worth mentioning:

Adjustable straps for a perfect fit
 Shaping bodysuit underneath. The smooth and sleek design is perfect for a date night or running errands
• Double layer waist control, sucking you in and creating an hourglass figure.
• Butt lifting technology to enhance your booty for the BBL effect
• Smooth modal fabric is moisture-wicking, keeping you fresh and sleek on the go.


Daca ai o rochie ceva mai multa si doresti sa ascunzi burtica sau de ce nu cele 2-3 kg pe care consideri tu ca le ai in plus poti apela la un chilot modelator ce te ajuta sa ascunzi si sa modelezi zona asa cum iti doresti.
Tipul acesta de chilot este foarte util si atunci cand esti in urma unei operatii chirurgicale.


Body modelator – ajutor după operatii chirurgicale sau nasteri


If you have a slightly longer dress and you want to hide your belly or why not the 2-3 kg you think you have extra, you can use wide gusset underwear that help you hide and shape the area as you wish.This type of panties is also very useful when you are following a surgical operation.

Tot de ajutor poate fi si un body modelator.

Mie imi place mult, lenjeria modelatoare. Cred ca ea ajuta mult sa sustina burta si totodata ca muschii sa isi revina mult mai usor. chiar am impresia ca tipul acesta de lenjerie ajuta mult.
Un sfat totusi , nu alege lenjeria cu o marime mai mica, acest lucru ar putea dauna in loc sa te ajute.

A body shaper can also be helpful.

I really like the mesh shapewear. I think it helps a lot to support the belly and at the same time for the muscles to recover much more easily. I really have the impression that this type of underwear helps a lot. One tip though, don’t choose underwear with a smaller size, this could harm you instead of helping you.

Popilush shapewear bodysuit offers an additional layer of support


This Popilush body model helps a lot, and even provides an additional layer of support. It also offers control of the belly, while the coils in the belly button start to disappear. With this type of body you will reduce your waist in a way you did not expect. You just have to slip into this bodysuit and enjoy your new hourglass shape. The material is made of latex and offers strong tummy control. As I said before, this type of bodysuit is ideal for post-surgery, but also for waist training, events where you have to look flawless or for a quick solution for instant weight loss.

Mda.. si folosind aceste 3 trucuri pot păcăli ochiul criticilor și ma pot simti mai bine atunci cand vreau sa port o rochie mai mulata sau ceva mai sexy. Mereu fugeam de tipul acesta de rochii sau bluze, fiindca eram complexata ca se vede burtica. Dar am stat, am analizat am găsit aceste 3 ajutoare si de asta am impartasit cu voi. Sunt sigura ca multe dintre voi se confrunta cu aceiasi problema.

Yes.. and using these 3 tricks I can fool the eyes of the critics and feel better when I want to wear a tighter dress or something sexier. I always ran away from this type of dresses or blouses, because I was complex because the belly was visible. But I stayed, I analyzed, I found these 3 aids and that’s why I shared with you. I’m sure many of you are facing the same problem.

Tu folosesti lenjerie modelatoare sau esti increzatoare in corpul tau?

Do you use shapewear or are you confident in your body?



  1. Foarte interesant este acest articol.
    Mulrtumesc frumos pentru sfaturi si recomandari .
    Inca nu am folosit, pentru ca inca nu am nevoie ,dar pe viitor am sa tin cont de sfaturile dumneavoastra .

    Weekend frumos va doreasc !

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