Ready for the sea vacantion ?

Oh where are you summer? I miss you is so, although there are still at least five months … I feel that lasts forever.
 I love summer and I would move in tomorrow, a place full of sunshine and warmth.
Therefore as the winter season ends, already thinking about summer vacation.
I think where you go man, we visit the most important this year with what I wear.
Per acre swimsuits I already have, I find that they are old, so I want something new. .All the shops are full of warm clothes online, season specific, as deh who seek swimsuit in January. On Stylewe I still found something I liked.

 I beat much thought, to try a new swimsuit model. I have not worn before such a model and it’s new to me. It s like to wear, tankini swimwear , so I wore when I was a kid, that if I wore then. I’ve seen some models that caught my attention.

 3 models caught my attention, I find very interesting and I think that will be seen on the beach.

 The first model that I like the most and that I would wear in the city and on the beach .. not only is this swimsuit with a particular model. I mean when I say model and the prince of him and cut him. If I take a skirt or shorts can wear a very simple, this swimsuit in town.

Although fear me, that I will tan crazy and that my belly will be full of streaks, though I try this model.
 Just do not know how I will fibrosis with this model, but I like this color and I would like to combine with anything to wear anytime, not just at the beach.
Hell and if it’s still summer and if I found, swimsuits, I say to try and cute Rompers. A new model, not bottles never.
 At this time, I really do not know if the wardrobe, such a model, or a similar product. There’s no way to ruin and there’s nothing wrong if you will buy another one.
Two models have winked at me, and I have to decide on one if you fail to buy them both as they shop so very early and benefit from large discounts .


One Comment

  1. Vai ..mi-au incantat privirea aceste imagini .practic sunt preferatele mele ,costumele de baie deux-piece nu ma avantajeaza si mereu caut acest gen de costume pentru plaja .

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