Trench coat from Fashionmia online clothing store

Fall makes its presence felt increasingly worse. Cold weather pushes me to wear as many trench coat. I have some in your wardrobe and always are looking for new ones.
Trench is the piece of clothing that should not miss from your wardrobe for autumn-winter season.
It is a piece of clothing so versatile, always in trend, and enjoy the same popularitare that after a hundred years.

Wear it unbuttoned over a colorful dress, lace or silk, but with knotted cord. Femininity dress will be highlighted by masculine details (epaulets, buttons, seams visible).
wear it over skirts midi clos, tights, pants cigarette, maxi dresses lace jeans boyfriend, dresses, chemise, turtlenecks, cardigans or jackets, classic black dress, leather pants, over held office, weekend or cocktail.

Fashionmia is an women clothing online store .  Oh how I love these sites 🙂
You do not have to share space with anyone and have various products just for you 🙂
Long trench coat is among my favorites and there are a quite a varied and diversified. 
I found a lot of models who ten most outstanding, prettiest.

Looking now back, I see that selected models are pretty similar. So long trench coats I prefer them most elegant, arched waist and not very colorful.
If you prefer another kind of designs, cuts, colors then visit here for more long trench coat .
If also you’re not a fan of trench coats can enter the site and you find something according to your tastes.Click here to visit Fashionmia and you find what you want.



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