Shoespie best seller boots 2016

RO: Holla! Ce fac fetele ? Eu din nou pe net … nu stiu daca neaparat vreau sa si cumpar ceva , insa imi place sa ma uit.Oricum daca nu reusesc sa cumpar sigur imi voi face un wishlist .
Primul site vizat a fost Shoespie.
Nu stiu cum esti tu insa eu iubesc pantofi,si urasc faptul ca nu am atat de multi pe cat imi doresc si ca nu am unde sa ii depozitez.
Am dat un simplu search pe google cheap boots womans online si am gasit ce cautam.
Mare mi-a fost mirarea cand am vazut reduceri de 90% .Cum 90  boots for sale ,boots for sale  si bine inteles ca m-am aruncat pe  produse si mi-am facut un mic wishlist.
Incet incet toamna vine,astazi spre exemplu a fost ingrozitor de frig,i n jur de 8-9 grade… asa ca nu mi-a fost greu  sa intru in sectiunea woman boots sale si sa gasesc ce vreau .

Holla! What are the girls doing ? I again on the internet … I do not know if necessarily to buy something, bbut I like to watch. However if they fail to buy sure I’ll make a wishlist.
The first targeted site was Shoespie.
I do not know like you but I love shoes, and I hate that I have not so much as I want and I do not have them where to deposit.
I gave a simple search on google womans cheap boots online and found what we are looking for.
Big surprise when I was saw sale of 90% . How 90% . ? . wow boots for sake ,  boots for sale 😉 and of course as I threw my product and made a small wishlist.
Slowly coming fall, for example today was awful cold and not around 8-9 degrees … so I was not hard to get into section boots woman sale  and find what I want.

RO:Am ales 3 perechi de ghete potrivite iesirilor in oras, atat pe timp de zi cat si pe timp de seara.Ghete  cu toc, ghete scurte dar si niste cizme interesante pana la genunchi.
Tie care model iti place mai mult ?

En : We chose three pairs of boots right out in town, so went out in daylight and out at night. Heeled boots, short boots bill type, but also some interesting boots, long knee. Not so they are cute
Tie the model you like more?

Franjurile inca se mai poarta, asa ca as putea lejer sa adaug si aceste cizme in lista dorintelor.
Mi se pare un model tare interesant si mi-ar sta si tare bine :)) 
Pe tine ce model te-a cucerit  ? 
Still wears fringe, so I can easily add these boots in his wish list.
I find it an interesting model and I would sit and well :))
You which model you won?


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