Giveaway international Yoyomelody

Ro:De ceva vreme v-am promis un nou giveaway …Am zis sa incepem luna decembrie , luna cadourilor cu unul ….asa ca astazi 2 Decembrie ….Start Giveaway .
Regulile putin diferite decat ati fost invatate , insa nu e nimic complicat .Sper sa participanti in numar cat mai mare , premiul este unul destul de consistent si anume 50$ si pentru restul participantilor cate o reducere de  5$ la prima comanda .
Asa dar daca v-am deschis putin interesul eu zic ca ii dam drumul … a si sa nu uitam concursul tine doar 7 zile …. invitati-va si prietenele sa participe 50$ nu strica nimanui 🙂

En : For a while I promised a new giveaway … I said to begin in December, one month gifts …. so …. Start Giveaway today December 1st.
Slightly different rules than you were taught, but there’s nothing complicated. I hope to participate in large number, the prize is quite consistent, namely $ 50 and for the remaining participants each a $ 5 coupon discount on your first order.
So if we open but little interest as I say give it a go … and do not forget you only contest seven days …. invite your friends to participate and $ 50 never hurt anyone 🙂

Reguli :
1.Share la 5 produse de pe pe oricare din platformele facebook, pinterest, blog ,twitter sau orice platforma sociala 
3.Abonare Gfc
4.Lasati-mi o adresa de email pe care sa va poata contacta sponsorul
5. Share poza de concurs ( aici )
6.Lasa un comentariu cu cele 5 link-uri unde ai share-uit cele 5 produse , adresa de email , numele cu care ma urmaresti pe Fb si Gfc .
Marele premiu 50 $ 
Toti participantii vor primi cupon de 5 $
Durata concursului 7 zile 2.12 – 8.12 .2014 
Vi se pare greu ? Va astept in numar cat mai mare !!! Am vazut multteeee lucruri ce pot fi cumparate de pe site de cei 50 $ .
En : Rulls :
1.Share at least 5 products from to facebook, pinterest, blog or other social platforms .
3. Subscribe GFC
4. Leave me a email address that you can contact the sponsor
5. Share picture contest (here)
6. Leave a comment 5 links where you share some 5 products, email address, name that follow me on FB and GFC.
Grand Prize $ 50
All participants will receive a $ 5 coupon
Contest Duration 7 days 2.12 – 8.12 .2014
Do you find it difficult? We expect larger number !!! I saw many things that can be bought on site 
$ 50



  1. FB.Mariana Cioranu.GFC.mariana .E-mail cristinamariana30@yahoo.com Fb.

  2. Participo
    gfc:lola anton
    email:lola anton
    comparto sorteo en fb:

  3. FB Mery Meryem
    GFC Mery
    adresa e-mail :


  4. Nume fb: Cristiana Anca
    GFC: BiancaV (este al surorii mele,dar il folosesc si eu)
    Share concurs:
    Share produse:

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