En:The wedding season is it not over yet so you can still go out and search for your favourite dress. For now, we have plenty of time to purchase the best dress for our wedding parties or event with which you will steal everybody’s eyes.
Ro :Mie una imi place sa caut sa analizez sa compar, insa daca e sa vad ceva ce imi pica cu tronc ceea ce am vazut inainte nu mai conteaza .Pe DressV am vazut cateva rochii interesante .Am o nunta in octombrie si mi-ar prinde bine o rochita noua .Daca e sa caut prin sifonier sigur gasesc o rochie pe care sa nu o fi purtat insa cand esti in paradisul rochiilor cum sa nu iti doresti macar una .
En : What i like the most is comparing the prices but when i see something that i really like i forget about the previous one. On dressve i saw some interesting dresses. I have in octomber a wedding and i would really need a new dress. if i have to search through my wardrobe for sure i’ll find one that has never be worn but when you find yourself in dresses paradise you can’t stand and just watch.
ro:Tot timpul cand a fost sa imi iau o rochie de ocazie mereu m-am axat pe rochii scurte …deasupra genunchiului ,insa de ceva timp ma gandesc serios la achizitionarea unei rochii lungi.Nu stiu daca as purta -o insa sa am una acolo nu se stie cand mi se pune pata :))
En:always when i had to pick one party dress i have chosen the short ones but this time i am seariously thinking in buying one that is long.Don;t know if i would wear it but i have to have it because i never know when i need it.
A doua rochie si ultima imi plac la nebunie! Te pup!! :*
A doua si a 3-a rochie sunt minunate!!!!!!!!!!!!
prima rochie e absolut superba! <3
Frumoase rochiile!
prima rochita e foarte frumoasa!