Spring wishlist

Ro:Imi doresc sa se incalzeasca vremea cat mai repede si primavara sa iti intre in drepturi .

Vreau sa inlocuiesc cat mai curand geaca  de iarna       cu  cardiganul. Vreau sa scap de    toate hainele groase si sa     imi innoiesc  garderoba mea. Am gasit cateva jackete si cardigane  foarte dragute si as vrea sa imi cumpar macar unul din exemplarele    prezentate mai    jos .

En: I want to warm weather and spring as soon as you enter your rights.

I want to replace as soon as winter jacket cardigan. I want to get rid of all my warm clothes and renew my wardrobe. We found some very nice jackets and cardigans and I would like to buy at least one copy below.

Ro :Toate acestea le gasiti pe cocofashion.com la preturi foarte bune . Ce este si mai interesant e ca nu exista comanda minima. Deci daca va doriti un produs de 10 $ il puteti comanda fara nici o problema .
Ce parere aveti despre modelele alese de mine ? Voi cu ce inlocuiti primavara ,geaca de iarna ?   

En:All this can be found on cocofashion.com at good prices. What is even more interesting is that there is minimum order. So if you want a $ 10 product you can order without any problem.

What about my chosen models? What will replace the spring, winter jacket?



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